
God is in the darkness.

...Moses approached the thick darkness where God was. -Exodus 20:21

When the breeze blew from the turret,
as I parted His hair,
it wounded my neck
with its gentle hand,
suspending all my senses.

I abandoned and forgot myself,
laying my face on my Beloved;
all things ceased; I went out from myself,
leaving my cares
forgotten among the lilies.

-St John of the Cross (1542-1591)

Sometimes He calls us to let our view and relationship with Him die like a seed falling to the ground... And of course this leads to creation new life, restoration of the old life (Hallelujah).

paradigm shift, gravity towards heaven.


side note:


  1. thank you my darling and more than anything God connected girl!!!! you rock and have helped me more than you can imagine.

  2. Oh AZ - I love this and I love the new "F" word as well as "the WORD" so much! Enjoying you! So many have trouble with forgiveness - if they only knew the rewards!!!! not to mention the freedom.


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