
It’s that time of year again: Gift giving season! I happen to be one that adores giving gifts to all of the lovely people in my life; HOWEVER, my eyes are often bigger than my budget. Here are some thoughtful gift ideas to get your mind rolling with ideas for your loved ones::

Tea tin: buy tea in bulk and then repackage into multiple gifties using vintage tins

 red and green teas please

local honey

tin it up and put a bow on it!

...or something more festive

Succulents: Although the name is a bit frightening, who doesn’t want a little green during the winter time? Buy glass containers (I got old sundae dishes) at the thrift and put a bow on it! Hardy plants that only need to be watered every other week- yay low maintenance. Perfect for anyone’s window sill- dish doing campanions.

Go to EcoFlora in Clintonville for succulents!

succulents and stones

 vintage sundae dish or other glassware

perfect window sill dweller

Wall art from old calendars: Everyone needs a fun new addition to their salon style wall- cut up the months of 2012, frame and put a bow on it! Or adhere to wood panel using acrylic gel. 

Start a charm necklace: stainless steel chain so it won’t tarnish and one pendant to begin- good item to purchase on a trip to the good ole antique store.

Anything with a mason jar: (this is quite the lasting trend and I am loving it). Fill that jar with something and put a bow on it! Everyone else has done the work for me on this one- here are some links: 

For those who like a bit more extensive packaging- spice up some brown paper bags with colored ribbon and dictionary tags. You could also use old maps or newspaper, strengthen them with acrylic gel if you fancy that sort of thing. 

Hope this helps you get in the festive spirit. Enjoy your holiday season everybody!

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